What is Tantra ?

The origins of Tantra

Here we will describe only the most general principles of the Tantric Way, the Teaching, which is the most ancient and profound of all the existing spiritual traditions of the world. And this is because Tantra itself originated on the basis of primary archaic religious cults, the origins of the Teaching lie in the innate ability of man to perceive the world figuratively, intuitively to feel it. Then, on the basis of direct, indirect, iconic information to create for themselves a spiritual picture of the universe, a world that is filled with life visible and hidden.

It is the ability to perceive the spirit of phenomena and things, the quality ascending into the deepest layers of the unconscious, the ability that helped man survive in the aggressive environment of the wild primitive world. Only much later began to appear those forms of religious worship, which we now call the world religions. And the further humanity developed, the more religion separated from nature, the more it was saturated with philosophy, scholasticism, mental speculation sway to the detriment of the immediate spiritual experience.

Tantric Path

Unlike Yoga, where the practice is aimed at full control of the body, energy and mind, mainly through submission and detachment, Tantra uses these aspects of the person to modify, spiritually transform negative qualities into positive ones. Some people have enough strength and determination to overcome any obstacles, someone is possessed by passions and desires, feels strong attachments, anger, etc., for such personalities it is sometimes difficult to practice “the way of leaving society”, self-isolation, detachment and monasticism.

On the contrary, by applying the special methods of Tantra against its limitations and passions, the goal of spiritual realization is achieved much faster. There are people who by nature have a special subtle, figurative perception of the world, they feel the deep processes in the energy of the body, see the flow of energy in living beings, and therefore it would be right for such personalities to develop these abilities up to perfect level and, with their help, comprehend the nature of the soul.

The tantric path leads a person to the source of spiritual consciousness through penetration into the hidden laws of energy and psyche.

The Essence of Tantra’s Teachings

This system of spiritual improvement is an extraordinarily powerful tool that can lead to a result in one life. The path to the “heart of Reality,” in the Teaching of Tantra, runs through the management of vital streams, energy centers, and methods of controlling the energy of the body and mind. These means serve the sole purpose of spiritual transformation. Transforming negativity into positive qualities is the true essence of Tantra. Any psychological limitation, passion or addiction can be transformed to the benefit of yourself and others, if you understand how to do it and apply the necessary methods.

Through spiritual work, the adept changes his worldview and his usual view of the world is transformed into a completely new, spiritual view of the surroundings. It is like a person, being restless and irritated, reacts to the environment with aggression, but when he comes into balance, he evaluates the world as it is. Or if there is even more stress with such a person, which he is not able to overcome. In such a situation, a person ceases to see the problem in the disturbing factors, but seeks protection in the surrounding environment.

Tantra’s method is like pulling out a splinter in the leg with another thorn, overcoming negativity and capture with the help of such energies, transforming the power of passion with the help of the energy of passion. This approach significantly distinguishes the tantra methodology from the practice of Yoga, although both of these teachings are intertwined and complementary, they are united by a deep understanding of the laws of energy and psyche in man.

Of course, such a practice requires an appropriate understanding and ability, reliable support and advice from an experienced mentor, a spiritual teacher. When all the necessary qualities are present – the goal of Tantra is achieved without interference, in the shortest possible time.

The purpose of the Tantra exercise

We live in a world that we do not understand, moreover, we do not even understand ourselves. Many unresolved issues constantly plunge the person into a state of psychological imbalance. A person, being in an emotionally aggressive environment, should use certain methods of protection to successfully repel the negative energy onslaught. Tantra, over many millennia, has formed a whole range of effective means of transforming any negative energy into a positive process. Acting in the world, without any restrictions, not to fall into dependence and impotence, and to achieve greater freedom and energy – the essential purpose of Tantra.

To reveal the full potential of the personality, laid in it initially – the main task of Tantra, as a system of spiritual transformation of man.

Tantra Symbolism

In tantra, the essence of higher Knowledge is hidden in a special system of signs, sacred symbols, sound formulas and vibrations, visual images. This knowledge is transmitted in sacred texts in a secret language, understandable only to the initiates. Trying to clarify the true meaning of yogic scriptures, it is necessary to understand the innermost meaning of esoteric symbols and signs. The mind of a modern, practicing human yoga is too “scientific and logical” and therefore unable to go beyond standard thinking. For such a “practitioner”, with his pragmatic mind, ancient symbolism seems outdated and meaningless, and therefore it is impossible to understand tantric metaphors for him.

How many tantra species

Classification of different types of tantra. Tantras have different classification systems. We can talk about different classes of “external” and “internal” tantra, “father’s” and “mother’s” and “non-dual” and so on. “Madhyama-marga.

Spiritual continuity in Tantra

Tantra – secret Knowledge, revealing to man the Nature of Reality, it is betrayed by the most worthy souls, from the teacher – the student. The very process of transfer of knowledge is secret, sacred in Tantra, as the teacher is not just a source of intellectual understanding, but a carrier of transcendental experience, to those who have experienced the higher condition directly. It is believed that it is impossible to achieve the goal without “connecting to the source” because there will be no reason for spiritual realization.

Since tantric techniques are very deep, and affect the most intimate levels of man, the ordinary person, without special understandings and transfer of knowledge (dedication) is not able to understand and implement the method. Moreover, tantric texts are specially written in hidden secret language and are completely incomprehensible to the uninitiated. This, from antiquity, served as a reliable protection of the teachings from profanity, protected teachers and followers of Tantra in troubled times. Tantric techniques can be dangerous to health or psyche if they are trying to practice the uninitiated, so receiving the instructions of the teacher is extremely necessary.

Thus, in the teachings of Tantra, the tradition of spiritual transmission of knowledge was originally formed, which was carefully, without distortion, passed on to the most noble and wise disciples, worthy to be further guardians of the secret Knowledge. The spiritual continuity of the teaching, the transfer of innermost wisdom and method from teacher (guru) to disciple is called “parampara.”

Three categories of students in Tantra

The Tantra system is designed for practitioners of different levels of ability. Tantra divides spiritual followers and disciples into three main categories (bhava):

Pasha (literally “animal”) – ordinary people who have a low level of development of consciousness and energy, do not own themselves, doubt and limited by various prejudices and obscurities;

Vira (literally “hero”) – tantrics that have a developed will, intelligence and a firm intention to go forward. They are able to perform the most complex sadhana and control their energies and feelings;

Divya (literally “divine”) are those who have achieved high spiritual development in previous incarnations and can easily stay in the deep states of meditation.

Accordingly, each category has its own system of practice – sadhana. It is called pasha sadhana, vir-sadhana, divya-sadhana.

Each category has its own special set of rules and membership of a certain category of followers is called – “bhava”

However, no matter what category the adept’s personality corresponds to, he can progress and develop spiritually. There is always a chance to advance to higher levels in spiritual evolution. Usually, it is the spiritual teacher, the tantric guru, who determines which bhave should practice adept.

The dangers of Tantra practice

Without contact with a tantric teacher (guru), Tantra’s practice can be dangerous. The mentor, having personal experience and deep knowledge of tradition, will direct the student’s efforts in the right direction. The tantric system uses powerful energies to achieve altered states of consciousness, awakens internal forces to make a spiritual breakthrough to the higher states of mind, applies rather rigid radical means to go beyond false representations of the adept. Therefore, such effective, but “extreme” methods can be quite dangerous for immature souls, inexperienced practitioners who do not have enough wisdom and knowledge, do not rely on the authoritative guidance of a tantric mentor. The use of intense sensory experiences in Tantra can be a treacherous trap for people who have not cleansed their minds of their captures, do not have strong will and spiritual intent.

Mistakes in the way of Tantra practice

Mistakes in the way of Tantra practice can cost careless followers dearly and lead to completely unpredictable results. The exposure of the subconscious plan – the sphere of the unconscious, the area where instinctive programs of the psyche manifest, without the right method, can lead to serious mental trauma and new forms of mind obscurity. Tantrick, during practice, activates the deep layers of the psyche, as if “shakes a vessel with poison” in order to splash this poison out and cleanse your mind and heart. But wrong actions and the wrong method can negate his spiritual efforts and cause stronger dependence on his own captures and obscurities.

Tantra’s path is like moving along the edge of a razor blade, it is the subtlest and sharpest method of intensive breakthrough to the heart of Reality, an effective way to achieve Liberation in one lifetime.

False scriptures – fakes of ancient texts

There is a huge number of non-authoritative, dubious tantric scriptures, which are given for the works of the famous mystics of the past, ancient tantric gurus, sacred messages, supposedly Shiva himself, teachings with “indisputable authority”.

These false “revelations” should be avoided in every possible way, as they are composed by semi-educated pseudo-rishi, fakirs and occultists who tried to leave some trace in the minds of others, or simply fool someone. Sometimes, any dubious “sacred text” found by an unknown author was attributed to the popular rumor of the great tantric guru, but in fact this treatise had no real value and only led to the delusion of his followers.

It is no secret that some Indians are quite pragmatic and cunning, the trade of “writings” supposedly ancient amulets, ancient ritual sculptures, yantras and mandalas – a common practice of esoteric traders. Shopkeepers are always ready to successfully sell to a gullible tourist “unique ancient text” for a pretty sum.

Artfully composed fakes are not so easy to distinguish from true tantra and agam. This can only be done by a well-versed tantric scripture and the philosophy of tradition, a researcher, an orientalist or an esoteric is. An experienced tantric, which in practice has learned mystical experiences and forces hidden in tantras, will always easily find distortions or errors left by translators, much less gross forgery of ancient scriptures. Fake sacred texts in which the meaning of Tantra’s philosophy is distorted is a dead-end path for those who try to follow such teachings. The exception is, perhaps, only exact copies of ancient texts, because the meaning of writing, conveying the essence of tradition – is the true value, which can be transferred to any medium.

The sacred text of Tantra is a manifestation of Shiva himself, the original Teacher of Yoga and Tantrists. The true text of Tantra is revered as a deity and carefully preserved, hidden in hiding in hiding places in troubled times, passed down from generation to generation to the most worthy disciples.

The true Tantra is designed to open the adept to the true vision of Reality, it is able to completely transform the mind of the practitioner so that the perception of this world is transformed into a “pure vision.” This will allow you to see the roots of the illusion and learn to see the world in an undistorted form.

Tantric Temple

The place where you meditate is your sacred tantric temple. Usually there is a bed or couch, an altar with sacred objects, symbolizing your love and meditation, an aromatic lamp. Other decorations also hone your awareness, and plants radiate joyful vibration.

If you don’t have enough room for a separate temple, or if you travel frequently, then set up a “temple of the wanderer.” Choose a sacred bedspread or sheet that you will only use for tantric meditations. Let you have a small piece of cloth and sacred objects for the altar, as well as incense in order to clean the air. Take care of your tantric temple together or take turns to be imbued with the energy of tenderness of both partners.

Who practiced tantra

In the East, there was a different attitude to sex than in the West, which was hopelessly behind because of religious restrictions. When India became an English colony, the influence of the West on the developed sexual tradition was possible to be clearly appreciated. In India, sex was not the sin and prerogative of married couples, the attitude to it was subtle and sacred. It was studied as a science, they admired, as art and devoted to it, only the chosen. Emperors and kings have always lived by the same standards of sexuality, while their subordinates were imposed by others. In the old days, sexual secrets were a privilege of rulers and initiates who wanted to wield power. Power and power were achieved through sexual practices that increased resilience and increased the life energy of the practitioner. The energy released through these practices was consciously directed towards increasing integrity, clarity of mind, and wisdom. Nick Douglas “Secrets of Oriental Sex” So we see that even in those days tantra was not public, it was devoted only to a narrow circle of people who could really practice it. After all, any esoteric system involves practice, and mere mortals would have neither the time nor the opportunity. It is also worth noting that they practiced tantra with a clearly set goal, and this goal was not solely to achieve pleasure. People wanted unity, not only with a partner, but with the universe. It is important to understand that tantra should not be studied if you want to return your husband, marry a millionaire or lose weight without the diet of Larissa Valley. This system is suitable for those who want to study themselves, to know their partner and to reach a state of true unity, but it is a long process that involves changing the whole way of life, through the modification of their attitude to it, and titanic work. Triad tantric principles of the universe People who want to start studying/practicing tantra should delve into the three fundamental principles of the universe (yes, it is not a newspaper in the subway to read) through the knowledge of themselves and the partner, and constant work on their own consciousness and body, because by tantra, the body is your temple, taking care of which you are serving the divine in yourself. The three divine principles of the universe are birth, life and death, which exist solely through a combination of male and female origin. In tantric cosmology, these forces are represented as three aspects of Divine Unity. Separately, they are known as Brahma and his wife Saraswati – The Creator, Shiva and Kali – Destroyer, Vishnu and Lakshmi – Guardian. Each of these aspects is inextricably linked to the corresponding female energy (Shakti). Nick Douglas “Secrets of Oriental Sex” Master these principles, it is necessary to rely on the techniques presented in the teachings. These are hatha yoga, and various breathing practices, appropriate nutrition, visualization, meditation and even special omens rites, in addition to constant comprehension of all these manipulations and much more. Therefore, the study of tantra, it is still yes, a long spiritual process, a way. If you’ve read through, chances are your interest is strong. Therefore, you can safely buy the aforementioned edition, enroll in a proven yoga school and rebuild your diet, but in any case you do not need to rummage on the Internet in search of new piquant poses, until your boyfriend opens wine, tantra is not about that.

How to do tantra meditation

Tantra is a powerful method to find yourself, to realize all the best that is in us. If we see ourselves as pure and beautiful, we seem to be open to those fertile inner forces that are within and around us, a system of practices to achieve the highest realization.

The key of Tantra is complete liberation from the feeling of ego and dissolving oneself in God.

A partner in Tantra is a model or embodiment of a deity.

This meditation can be performed to better tune in to each other, as well as to lift energy from the lower centers with the help of a partner.

Sit down so that your back is completely in contact with your partner’s back. You can sit in any position with crossed legs. Eyes closed. To be comfortable (and without tension) to hold the back straight, you can use a stand or a pillow. The head does not have to be in contact with the partner’s head. The situation should be comfortable, with maximum contact. You can sit face-to-face with your knees or hands.

Focus on your breath. Feel the movement of the abdomen and ribs, feel the breath of the partner, tune in to it, imagine that you have one body and one breath, feel a certain community on the energy level. Feel the space around you.

Imagine your joint aura, imagine that it expands and shrinks, as if pulsating with your breath. You can also imagine a still aura of light yellow or greeny color if you want closer heart contact.

Open to the divine cosmic stream, let it in, bathe in it, soak up all your being together with your partner, follow him, not afraid to retreat from the pre-planned sequence of meditation.

One partner can be leading and quiet voice to give the installation to the next step.

Open the gates of your imagination, catch the emerging inner movements and sensations, follow them, all the time remembering their divine nature.

You can imagine a cleansing light flow of energy passing through the spine (rear-middle edito). Imagine how this light stream gradually displaces from your partner’s spine and spine all dark, negative and fills them with light, healthy energy. Exchange the flow of energy in a common circle with your partner, passing it through the chakras. To do this, focus on Muladhara and Anahata at the same time.

Imagine that the stream, red as the flame of a campfire, rises from Muladhara on your back to Anahata in halion, and on exhalation the greenish flow from the center of the chest passes to the heart center of the partner. Your partner, taking a breath of a greenish stream in the Anahata area, directs it with exhalation (already red) through his Muladhara to your Muladhara. Now you take this flow and inhale it on the back to Anahata and, everything repeats again. Do this several times so that you can feel a steady movement of energy that can be expressed in a state of joy and bliss. You can change the direction of energy depending on your own feelings and sensations of your partner’s condition.

Sitting with your back to each other, you can perform a special exercise to activate energy in the lower energy centers and lift it up. To do this, feel the contact in the area of the coccyx and breathe through it in the partner, imagining how the orange-red warm flow passes into each other and that you are with him in energy unity. Then, inhale, lift this energy to Anahata in the center of the chest at the heart level and “breathe” your heart center and partner’s heart center in green. Even if you do not have an inner perception of color, you will feel that the excitement in the lower centers has disappeared, and the heart is filled with joy and ready to open up to meet each other.

You can continue to breathe through the heart center with your partner, as before, feeling one-off with each other. If there is sufficient practice in concentration and observation, it is possible to see the energy on the “common” spine from Muladhara to Anahata on the breath and to send it on the front surface of the body to the abdomen. The movement of energy will go along the ellipse, returning to its source (the location of Kundalini) and filling the whole body with vitality, tremulous joy and delight. At the same time, the energy itself, passing through the heart center, will be ennobled and spiritualized.

You can work on a pre-planned program, but it is better to follow the energy or sensations that appear in the process of meditation.

Before you leave meditation, open your eyes, look at each other. Notice how softer and gentle the look has become, how much easier and easier it has become to look into each other’s eyes. Take your time, look longer, without blinking, eyes in the eyes.

If there is a desire, stretch out your hands towards each other. Gently connect the palms, close your eyes again and meditate again. When exhaling, give energy from your right hand to your partner, and inhale it through your left hand.

After finishing the exercise, you can just sit a little with your eyes closed, without interrupting the contact with your hands.

People practicing Tantra can be calculated by the atmosphere of love, harmony and special anupa ether that envelops the couple. And it really doesn’t matter if they have a marriage certificate. The deep, intimate, sublimely cosmic connection between them is visible on their faces, gait, gestures and the radii of the energy of love towards each other. An experienced tant-rick from a distance can feel the shakti. A shakti woman who gives strength radiates light and love around her.

Practicing these techniques, it will be easier to know the mystery of the circle and gently approach the practice of Tantra, revealing your consciousness and body of divine energy.

In the teachings of Tantra, the end result of human development is taken as the starting point of the path.

A mystical state that fulfills any desires and gives any opportunity, exists. If you declare your intention in a state of zero point – it is realized by all means after a while. If you focus on something at the moment of zero point, object or phenomenon will be known in total, if you make a wish, it will come true, if you request the information, it will be received.

From the zero point it all starts, and then it collapses after the end of the next cycle of existence. A zero point is a true state of consciousness that contains in itself that there is and does not depend on anything.

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