Foot massage for edema. How to do it right?

Swelling of the legs is not a pleasant problem. Swelling can be found at any age, and there are several of the most common reasons for this: leg work, diabetes, leg injuries, cardiovascular disease, and kidney disease. In addition, swelling of the legs often worries people who are prone to the problem of varicose veins. It is important to choose the right footwear that will not squeeze blood vessels. The constant wearing of flat shoes also negatively affects the health of the feet, which is why it is recommended to use an additional orthopedic insole to prevent the problems of varicose veins or swelling of the lower extremities.

If you notice puffiness in the lower part of the legs, do not delay the determination of the root cause. When this problem appears, it means that fluid accumulates in the tissues, which means that there are disturbances in the functioning of organs or body systems, so can the swelling be removed with massage? Massage for edema of the legs is one of the most effective in eliminating edema and its prevention. Also, women often face such a problem in a position, in such cases it is possible to massage the legs of pregnant women with edema, but after the recommendation of a doctor. The duration of the course is prescribed by the masseur immediately after getting acquainted with the problem.

What massage is the best to choose to combat the problem of leg swelling?

One of the most effective is lymphatic drainage massage for swelling of the legs. It allows you to improve the outflow of lymph, which means it eliminates the stagnation of fluid in the tissues of the lower extremities. In this case, the masseur selects the necessary technique and corrects the force of pressing, rubbing, etc. Puffiness is eliminated with the help of deep lymphatic drainage massage, which stimulates the outflow of fluid from the internal organs. An internal lymphatic drainage massage is also used, the basis of which is the study of the lymph nodes themselves.

Indications for massage for leg edema:

Contraindications to massage for leg swelling:

How to properly massage for swelling of the legs? These should be extremely gentle techniques with a predominance of stroking and rubbing. It is not recommended to perform massage at home on your own, as this can result in much more harm than good. We are always ready to advise you, as well as provide an effective massage to eliminate the problem of puffiness in the shortest possible time (the course depends on the nature of the problem).

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