Benefits of a Couples Massage


A couples massage is a great way to bond with your partner. Imagine an hour of tranquil massage with soothing music and quiet surroundings. You are in line and in a relaxed and calm state of mind. Massage invites you to experience the benefits while releasing a little serotonin (a happy chemical that improves your mood).

Dutch Hollow Spa Medical His estheticians, Samuel Figueroa, MD and Milka Figueroa, specialize in treatments and advanced beauty techniques. Our team creates a welcoming environment so that you feel relaxed and pampered. This is what you can expect from an inclusive spa package.

1. Get closer to your partner
Couples massage has many physical and mental benefits. When you get a massage, your body releases oxytocin, known as the “hug or bliss chemical.” You may feel happier, calmer, and more joyful. It’s the all-around comfort factor that many of us have been waiting for.

2. Less Stress and Anxiety
Every day, your body works hard to release tension. Even during a massage, your body releases serotonin and dopamine to release stress. These chemicals are very important to your health. Massage improves mood, reduces stress, and promotes stronger bonds.
Massage also lowers cortisol levels. Cortisol is the molecule responsible for stress. Experts agree that when the body relaxes, the mind also relaxes. Regular massage can significantly reduce stress and anxiety.

3. Cultivate Affection
Youmay feel more affection for each other after the massage. Sit back, relax and share some private moments. In a quiet environment, you can focus on each other while listening to relaxing music and fully immerse yourself in the experience.

4. Reset Your Emotions
Whenlife gets hectic, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. You may even feel a sense of distance from your partner. Spending time together or getting a couple’s massage pushes the reset button.
Tension affects your mood, so you may have noticed lately that you’ve been irritable or arguing with your partner more than usual. Couples Her massages help release that tension and leave you feeling more positive. You may find that your regular couples massage is directly related to healthier and happier relationships.
Dutch Hollow Medical Spa offers a full body massage. We encourage you to use this service to connect with each other and relieve tension and anxiety. Call now to book your first massage.


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