Ayurvedic Massage(Abhyanga)


Ayurvedic Massage is one of the traditional Indian massages offered at the Karari Ayurveda Centre. A classic Ayurvedic remedy, it has a healing, cleansing and revitalizing effect on the body.

What is Ayurvedic Massage?
Ayurvedic massage is his one of many techniques used in Ayurveda for both treatment and prevention of disease. Originating in India, Ayurveda is one of the oldest and most comprehensive medical systems in the world.
An Ayurvedic massage uses warm herbal oils to rejuvenate and balance the body. Herbal oils are selected for your condition and applied in sweeping, flowing strokes. The correct choice of oil determines the effectiveness of traditional Ayurvedic massage.

Ayurvedic massage emphasizes the benefits of applying herbal oils rather than deep pressure massage.

If you want a deep tissue massage, we recommend the Kalari Marma Massage, which combines a special massage technique with Kalari herbal oil, marma pheasant (herbal wrap) and marma application.

Ayurvedic massage method :
Ayurvedic massage involves applying warm herbal oils in flowing motions. If desired, Pheasant (Pinda Sweda) is combined with massage.

Massage with Ayurvedic herbal oils :
Topical application of warm herbal oils plays an important role in Ayurvedic treatments. Herbal oils are a transport mechanism for transporting herbs into deeper tissues. Heated herbal oil is applied in one treatment, and the heat opens up the skin’s pores. This allows the healing properties of the herb to penetrate deep into the affected tissue. Using herbs in this way also helps draw out impurities from the body. Ayurvedic herbal oils are made by boiling down selected herbs in a base oil such as black sesame or coconut oil.It is the specific combination of herbs used and their combination that determines the specific effect of an herbal oil. is the ratio.

All Ayurvedic herbal oils are made in Kerala, South India. They adhere strictly to the recipes of classical Ayurvedic texts such as Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, Ashtanga Hridayam and Sahasra Yogam.

Kizhi (Pinda Sweda) Application :
Pheasant means envelope in Malayalam (language of the South Indian state of Kerala). In Sanskrit it is known as Pinda Sweda.
Pheasants are envelopes packed with herbal ingredients that are heated with warm herbal oils throughout the treatment. Massage the pheasant over the affected area or over the entire body as needed.

The warmth of the wrap combined with the active ingredients of herbs and oils improves blood circulation and reduces stiffness and pain. Pheasant ingredients, herbal oils and massage techniques are all selected based on the nature and cause of pain.

There are different types of pheasant, and their names are based on the material bound inside the envelope. The type of pheasant used is selected based on what is best suited for the particular conditions. Some of the pheasants used during Ayurvedic massage are:

Ella Kizhi(Patra Pinda Suweda)
This pheasant contains fresh medicinal plant leaves fried with other herbal ingredients. The pheasant is then soaked in warm herbal oil and applied to the affected areas of the body.

Naranga Kizhi(Jambeera Pinda Sweda)
The main ingredient in this pheasant is lime, sliced ​​and fried in herb oil with herb powder. The pheasant is then soaked in warm herbal oil and applied to the affected areas of the body.

Podi Kizhi(Choorna Pinda Sweda)
Unlike other pheasant varieties, this can be applied with or without oil. Pheasants contain herbs that are dried and then ground into a fine powder using a mortar and pestle. Pheasant can be heated with medicated oil during massage or applied without oil if dry heat is desired.

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